

TWEET THIS:戴尔宣布2016年 #WECities指数,为鼓励女性创业者的前25座城市进行排名 #DWEN

加利福尼亚州,帕洛阿尔托 – 2016年6月22日 – 今天,在白宫召开的全球创业峰会(Global Entrepreneurship Summit)上,戴尔公布了2016年女性创业者城市指数(WE Cities)的排名结果,揭示出鼓励高潜力女性创业者(HPWE)的全球前25座城市。WE Cities是全球唯一一个与具体性别有关的指数,旨在考察某座城市吸引并促进女性创业者所创立的公司实现增长的能力。之所以遴选城市而非国家,是为了展示除国家法律与风俗习惯外,本地政策与计划的影响力。

WE Cities的排名结果将被用作第7届年度戴尔女性创业者网络峰会(DWEN)- 2016年6月27-28日将于南非开普敦举办的全球200位首要的女性创业者、商界领袖、媒体与戴尔合作伙伴聚会 - 对话与改变的出发点。今

年,峰会的主题是“Innovate for a Future-Ready World”。

戴尔高级副总裁兼首席营销官Karen Quintos表示:“由女性创业者所推动的创新与就业岗位创造对于全球经济繁荣至关重要,我们的研究显示,在鼓励与支持这一重要的初创社区分支领域方面,部分城市与国家远远走在了其他城市与国家的前面。我们的指数为推进与政策制定者及城市领导者的对话从认识迈向行动提供了深刻洞察,进而助力女性创业者为全球带来最高的经济影响。”

入驻戴尔的创业者Elizabeth Gore表示:“女性创业者是我们国家实行经济增长的最佳选择。现在是到了让女性参与政治事务的时候了,以确保创建供其成长的适合生态系统。如果政治家与创业者合作,则可以制定充满活力的政策,连接从构思到企业的循环,并增进这一流程。WE Cities可以用作一种诊断工


前25座WE Cities排名 & 评选方法

在戴尔过去4年关于HPWE研究的基础上,确定了5大类城市特征:资本、技术、人才、文化与市场。这些支柱被分为2组 – 运行环境与有利环境。总体排名拥有70个指标,当然,其中44个与性别要素相关。个人指标在4个标准上进行加权处理:相关性、基础数据质量、在指数中的独特性以及性别成分。


TWEET THIS: Dell announces 2016 #WECities Index, ranking top 25 cities for women entrepreneurs #DWEN

PALO ALTO, California – June 22, 2016 – Today at the White House’s Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Dell announced findings of the 2016 Women Entrepreneur Cities Index (WE Cities), revealing the top 25 global

PALO ALTO, California – June 22, 2016 – Today at the White House’s Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Dell announced findings of the 2016 Women Entrepreneur Cities Index (WE Cities), revealing the top 25 global cities fostering high potential women entrepreneurs (HPWE). WE Cities is the only global gender-specific index that looks at a city’s ability to attract and foster growth in firms founded by women entrepreneurs. Cities, instead of countries, were identified in order to show the impact of local policies and programs in addition to national laws and customs.

Findings from WE Cities will be used as a springboard for conversation and change at the seventh annual Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network Summit (DWEN)—a global gathering of 200 of the top female entrepreneurs, business leaders

Findings from WE Cities will be used as a springboard for conversation and change at the seventh annual Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network Summit (DWEN)—a global gathering of 200 of the top female entrepreneurs, business leaders, media and Dell partners that is set to take place in Cape Town, South Africa, June 27-28, 2016. The theme for this year’s summit is “Innovate for a Future-Ready World”.

“Innovation and job creation by women entrepreneurs is critical for a thriving global economy, yet our research shows some cities and countries are doing far more than others to encourage and support this important subset of the startup community,” said Karen Quintos, senior vice president and chief marketing officer at Dell. “

“Innovation and job creation by women entrepreneurs is critical for a thriving global economy, yet our research shows some cities and countries are doing far more than others to encourage and support this important subset of the startup community,” said Karen Quintos, senior vice president and chief marketing officer at Dell. “Our index provides insights to move the conversation with policymakers and city leaders from awareness to action and, in turn, to empower women entrepreneurs to have the greatest economic impact on the world.”

"Women entrepreneurs are our Country's best bet for economic growth,” said Elizabeth Gore, entrepreneur-in-residence for Dell. “It's time for women to be politically engaged to ensure the right ecosystems are in place for them

"Women entrepreneurs are our Country's best bet for economic growth,” said Elizabeth Gore, entrepreneur-in-residence for Dell. “It's time for women to be politically engaged to ensure the right ecosystems are in place for them to scale. If politicians and entrepreneurs partner, dynamic policies can be put in place to close the circle and enhance the process from idea to enterprise. WE Cities can be used as a diagnostic tool to help ensure lawmakers are listening to their needs.”

Top 25 WE Cities Ranking & Methodology

Building on the past four years of Dell’s research on HPWE, five important categories of city characteristics were identified: capital, technology, talent, culture and markets. These pillars were organized into two groups – operating environment

Building on the past four years of Dell’s research on HPWE, five important categories of city characteristics were identified: capital, technology, talent, culture and markets. These pillars were organized into two groups – operating environment and enabling environment. The overall rating has 70 indicators, and, of these, 44 have a gender-based component. Individual indicators were weighted based on four criteria: relevance, quality of underlying data, uniqueness in the index and gender component.






