科技的发展使 IT(information technology)时代向 DT(data technology)时代的转变已经成为可能。在这个时代,拥有众多客户资源、完整业务链条,善于使用数据技术、信息技术进行业务开发、风险控制以及其他管理的银行将脱颖而出。
The development of science and technologies has made possible the shift from the IT era to the DT era, in which the banks that have abundant customer resources and complete business chains and are good at using data and information technologies for business development, risk control and other management will stand out.
AI platform is a good helper in mortgage management.
Developed by CNFS Data, AI platform is a service platform for the management of mortgage evaluation of various types. Compared with the traditional business process in which banks rely on evaluating companies to complete mortgage evaluation and then define the lines of credit, the AI platform enables two changes for banks:
Two changes
I. All the Business Processes Change from Offline to Online
Based on the process for mortgage management, the AI platform includes three parts respectively targeted at users, banks and evaluating agencies in combination with the features of individuals and institutional customers, different working stages in banks, i.e. before, during and after loan release, and the demand of evaluating agencies in different processes including investigation, report preparation and report auditing.
In each part, the AI platform arranges different business modules to
meet the demand of different positions, persons and processes. Such modules are connected with and independent of each other, and can also be freely adjusted through power setting. This helps banks processize and automate customer manager, internal business management and management of shortlisted evaluating agencies.
The AI platform not only greatly improves banks’ control over overall evaluation and detailed processes, but also further clarifies the responsibilities and division of labor among participants in all the processes. Meanwhile, it also increases the efficiency of valuation report preparation and the ability of banks to model post-loan risk control through data push and storage management.