This is Annul Plan of year 2014 for the China: Urban-Scale Building Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (the Project), prepared by four PMOs, to cover the period of 01/01/14 to 12/31/14. The Project 2014 Annual Plan included the activities which already planned in PIP, which included the first year plan, but not committed yet, and the activities which are new planned to implement in 2014. From the budget and disbursement plan aspects, the budget for 2014 presented including the budget planned in PIP but not be committed and 2014 new planned budget, and disbursement plan shows the expected disbursement from SA.
This is Annul Plan of year 2014 for the China: Urban-Scale Building Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project (the Project), prepared by four PMOs, to cover the period of 01/01/14 to 12/31/14. The Project 2014 Annual Plan included the activities which already planned in PIP, which included the first year plan, but not committed yet, and the activities which are new planned to implement in 2014. From the budget and disbursement plan aspects, the budget for 2014 presented including the budget planned in PIP but not be committed and 2014 new planned budget, and disbursement plan shows the expected disbursement from SA.
The objective is to improve selected national and city-level policies for (1) the promotion of low-carbon, adaptive and livable urban forms; (2) an increase in energy efficiency in public and commercial buildings; and. (3) the scale-up of commercially viable rooftop solar PV deployment.
There are three components including:
1)Component 1: Promoting Low-carbon, Adaptive and Livable Urban
2)Component 2: Improving Energy Efficiency in Public and Commercial
3)Component 3: Scaling-up Commercially Viable Rooftop Solar PV
Deployment in Beijing
4)Component 4: Project Management
The project implemen
The project implementation duration is 5 years with total GEF grant of US$ 12 million. The Project is implemented and managed by MOHURD, incorporating with BHURDC, BDRC, and NHURDC for correspondingly.
The general line of responsibility of each government PIU through its PMO is depicted in the matrix below.
本项目的目标是完善选定的国家级和市级政策,以:(1) 改善低碳宜居的城市形态;(2) 提高公共建筑和商业建筑内的能源效率;并(3) 增加具有商业利益的屋顶太阳能光伏系统配置。