

专有名词的翻译其实原则是人名、地名按音译,如果有约定俗成的就按约定俗成的翻译,如果没有也可不译;机构名称可按意思翻译,如果是缩写可不翻译,如果机构名是全称则需翻译出来,如:World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织。


几组由 “more than ;more … than” 和“no / not +比较级”等组成的固定结构及其含义

more than 意为:“不仅仅是,非常,十分”等,用法和意义较

more …than 意为:“与其说…不如说,不是…而是”

What we are doing today is more than donating some money.

Their action was more than justified.

He is more brave than wise.

The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar.

no more than 强调少,意为“只有,不过,仅仅”

not more than 客观叙述,意为“不超过”

He has no more than

five dollars on him.

He has not more than five dollars on him.

no more … than 意为“A与B都不…;…不,…也不”

not more … than 表示程度上的差异

He is no more diligent than you.

He is not more diligent than you.

no less than = as much as 意为:“竟有…之多,多达”,强调多

not less than 意为“不少于,至少”,为客观的描述

no less … than 前后均为肯定,意为:“正是,和…一样, 多达,应有…之多”

His son has read no less than 50 English books.

His son has read not less than 50 English books.

The middle-aged man was no less a person than the new minister.

Her voice is no less sweet than it used to be.

Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.

interest 兴趣;关心;利息 interests


instruction 指导;指示 instructions 用法说明(书);操作指南

lesson 功课;课 lessons 课程;教训

liability 责任;义务 liabilities 债务

manner 举止;方式 manners 礼貌,风度;规矩,风俗

mass 大量;团,块 masses 群众;质量

measure 尺寸,大小 measures 措施,办法

minute 分钟 minutes 会议记录






