



信用证如果翻译的不准确,或者内容翻译错误,将会导致企业巨大的损失。目前很多公司外贸公司有懂外语的人,但是由于非专业翻译或缺乏经验的。都是导致问题及损失出现的主要原因。例子:前些年的外贸公司都有一个储运部或报运部, 这个部门的负责人还肩负着审核信用证各项条款的重任, 从这个环节上就可看出审核信用证的重要性。信用证翻译实际上是任何一个外贸企业对外贸易最核心的环节! 操作不好, 很容易陷入被动和风险当中。现在, 民营企业、私企对外贸易逐年扩大,

许多单位把储运或报运部给撤了, 只剩下业务员一个人审证;信用证的操作风险也随之加大。不熟练掌握信用证的基本功, 没有较好的英语水平, 是无法适应我国高速发展的外贸经济的。信用证的内容一般来说较为复杂, 长句子多, 涉及到金融、保险、商检、报运、银行等多项专业知识。


Option A (in case 100% payment is made at one time)


To: (The Supplier)

This Letter of Credit is forward through (name of bank)

We open an irrevocable Letter of Credit No. in your favour by Order of (name of the Purchaser) for account of ,to the extent of available against your draft(s) drawn at sight on (name of the Purchaser) for 100% of the invoice value, accompanied by the following documents:

1.Four (4) copies of commercial invoice (indicating Contract No.).

2.Clean on board Ocean Bills of Lading marked “freight prepaid” a

nd made out to order, blank endorsed and notifying at the port of Destination.

3.Four (4) copies of Packing List and/or weight Memo showing quantity and gross and net weight of each package.

4.Four (4) copies of Certificate of quality issued by the manufacturer.

5.Your letter stating that extra bills have been dispatched according to contract terms.

6.Your certified copy of fax dispatched to the account within forty eight (48) hours after shipment advising name of vessel, quantity, weight, value and date of shipment.

7.Your letter stating prior approval of the nationality of the vessel by the Purchaser.

8.Insurance policy or certificate covering one hundred and ten percent (110%) of invoice value against all risks and war risks.

9.Five (5) copies of certificate of country of origin.

10.Sight drafts to be drawn on the Purchaser to (name of bank).

EVIDENCING SHIPMENT OF: Goods under the Contract No.

Price Terms:

An extra certificate should be issued

by you confirming that all the contents in the bills under this letter of credit comply with the above-mentioned contract terms.

Shipment from ... to ...

Not later than

Partial shipment allowed Transhipment allowed

This Credit remains valid in until (inclusive) and all draft (s) must be marked that they are drawn under this Letter of Credit.

We hereby undertake that against presentation of the drafts and shipping documents drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Credit, the same shall be negotiated subject to special instructions item 1 and 2 stated hereunder.


1.Negotiations of drafts under this Credit are restricted to the above-mentioned advising bank .

On negotiation, the negotiating bank should claim reimbursement from by cable provided all terms and conditions stipulated herein have been complied with and simultaneously the negotiation bank should dispatch all documents to us in One Lot by first available airmail.
2.All banking charges outside of the PRC and interest charges for negotiation are to be borne by the beneficiary.




