



Many space-based camera and optical pointing and tracking systems require their line of sight (LOS) to be inertially stabilized in the presence of vibration or jitter of the optical payload. Payload jitter, for example

, caused by on-board sources such as power, cooling, and attitude control systems and others, results in image smear on the focal plane in camera systems and dispersion in target pointing systems. The goal of inertial stabilization is to stabilize the effective LOS of the optical payload in the presence of vibration.

Fundamental to inertial LOS stabilization is an inertial reference measurement subsystem. Following a general discussion comparing stabilized and strapdown inertial references, this paper presents three special inertial reference mechanizations designed for LOS stabilization. Each of these inertial references provides optical signals or combined optical and electrical signals that indicate the inerti

al attitude of the LOS. These inertial measurement signals are used to drive a fast steering mirror (FSM) in the LOS path such that the LOS can be inertially pointed and compensated for payload jitter. The first mechanization, the Inertial Pseudo-Star Reference Unit (IPSRU)1, is an example of an inertially stabilized platform implementation. This reference consists of a gimballed platform that is controlled viaelectromagnetic actuators. Inertial sensors are mounted on the platform, and their outputs are connected, through servo electronics, to the actuators such that the pl

atform is driven to null the inertial sensor outputs. The result is that the platform is inertially stabilized. A collimated light source mounted on the platform serves as an inertially stabilized optical reference whose image, when projected through the optical payload and onto an optical alignment sensor, gives a measure of the LOS inertial jitter. A second servo closed around the alignment sensor output and the FSM implements LOS stabilization. A stabilized platform achieves a high-performance inertial reference without the need for high precision gain and transfer function matching. The stabilized platform is also robust to increases in the jitter disturbance; performance is primarily limited by the measurement noise of the inertial sensors.

The second mechanization presented is a specific implementation of a strapdown inertial reference. In general, a strapdown reference is hard-mo

unted to the payload such that it moves with the payload's base motion. Inertial sensors in the strapdown reference measure payload base motion jitter and output signals proportional to the jitter angle. These inertial measurements are fed forward through an appropriate gain to the FSM in the optical path to cancel the effect of payload jitter on the LOS. Strapdown mechanizations suffer from precise requirements on openloop matching of the transfer function gain and phase, and performance is directly dependent on the spectrum of the payload jitter.

The third mechanization is a unique device that provides the conceptual equivalent of a stabilized platform but in a single instrument. This device, called the Optical Reference Gyro (ORG), is lighter and more compact than the fully instrumented stabilized platform, but with reduced stabilization performance and higher intrinsic noise. For certain disturbance environments, the ORG will outperform the strapdown sensor mechanization.




